Hello everyone today i will discuss about how we can control our mind and increase concentration via raja yoga in simple manner so without wasting any time lets dig in
Raja yoga
Raja yoga the yoga of concentration meditation, deals with profound study of mind and how to control it.
According to Raja yoga, each person in this world has unlimited potential, and through profound and scientific techniques, one can easily tap into this infinite potential , after my googling, reading books so coming to a point i found that in raja yoga , the art of concentration and meditation which is a means of unfolding powers for purpose of self realization.
After many researches its found that a great psychological change is effected through Raja yoga by way of which one is able to better understand, handle and finally can overcome the pain.
The Basic Stucture of Raja Yoga
There are eight basic structures the first 5
steps are called "external" (Bahirmukhi), or in simple words psycho-physical body. The last three steps are "internal" or antarmukhi or more mental in nature.
So the first two steps are the Yamas, niyamas -- restraints and observance so let me explain them to you first.
As these form or laydown the ethical foundation for the practice of yoga.
Ahimsa , truthfulness, brahmacharya, asteya non-stealing for desires , simple living(aparigraha or non-covetousness) are to be followed. I will not be too spiritual
so will total explain in a laymans form so that everyone can understand so moving on that ist said by the ancient legends, rishis, acharyas, vedas, puranams, upanishads that " The fewer the possessions the easier is for the mind to enjoy an atmosphere of peace".
Niyamas( Observances)
There are five sauchs or observances to be followed both mentally and physically the first one is sauch means observances where one has to follow proper cleanliness and hygiene interms of food, mind, health that refers to a famous proverb to me "A healthy mind in a healthy body".
The second one is that santosh or contentment, means to stop craving for the wants of more and more greediness or objects of "world "no matter whatever the situation is one should have a self-control.
The third observance is to do austerity or Tapas, its just a practice of developing mental and physical endurance with respect to different types of lives conditions.
It entails study of elevating literatures, books of philosophy, sciences, and many other knowledgeable books and sharing them to other. So has any one heard this that "sharing is caring".
Ishvarpana, to surrender to god
I myself still have not understood about this but in many and almost every religious its said that there is something divine which controls everything in this universe.
So what i understood i would say that " Do your best but don't become upset if your actions does not bring the expected result.
I also read somewhere in somebook that we are all a traveller on a train; but here we all need to take our luggages in head and let the train (life circuimstances) carry it for you.
Cultivate a healthy body
This is the third step of the raja yoga called Asana here we all know that all the physical asanas come under it so its commonly known as "Hatha yoga".
The main purpose of this style of yoga is to maintain high level of the physical health with a minimum ever also to help the body to remain in a comfortable meditative position for long periods of time.
So when its acheived the mind can easily flow towards higher states of awareness.
I know that everyone now will say that this
One is very simple breathe in and out in 2:1 ratio alternatively closing one nostril and opening other. But the main purpose of doing this to control the assimilation of the food in our body cum also to increase the lung capacity to filter the alveoli sacs(our air filter bags), last but not least pranayama also helps increase concentration level.
Pratyahara is just withdrawing the senses ie simply put to be concentrated in the midest of the distraction.
So these were the external ones which i discussed above now lets move into the inner part.
These involves
1. Dharna(concentration)
2. Dhyana(meditation)
3. Samadhi(super consciousness)
Simply focus on one object if mind strays bring it back to focus gently by remembering the event or the goal whatever you started .
Dhyana (meditation)
Simply meditate and meditate. As this one is known by everyone i will stop here .
Samadhi(super consciousness)
So its a state where one rises above his/her limited consciousness and are led ro transcendental state of super consciousness
So after researching i found the difference between meditation and samadhi so, here it is
In mediation state we are conscious but in samadhi while googling i found that its a stage where one feels like plunging into a stream of immense joy, so much that one loses the awareness of individuality. This is the pure state of bliss or Bhuma... We actually i too did'nt know about such a crazy process only after googling i found this so did you know it already do write in comments section about this more to educate everyone.
So let me conclude by adding some few points more stay for great historic knowledge sharing
So in yoga its mentioned that its an essential to study raja yoga and practice also to understand these (three modes of nature or gunas). And the way they operate in the human personality through moods. They are
1. Tamas(inertia or dullness)
2. Rajas(restlessness or externalisation)
3. Sattva(the channel for progress)
Tamas(inertia or dullness)
Tamas is expressed as laziness, pessimism, pro-castination. So when tamas increases we feel helpless, hopeless, dejected. But when inertia is sublimated , we become aware of so much energy within us that we don't know what to do with it.
Rajas(restlessness or externalisation)
As a continuation of tamas what to do with it we become restless and try to acheive some goal after that realisation which is rajas which may manifest in different form of ideas and creative talents.
But if rajas is not controlled it leads to selfishness, greed, hypocrisy, vanity in individual
Sattva(the channel for progress)
So simply put Raja yoga helps to sublimate tamas to rajas and then channel the rajas to sattva(a state of mind in which joyousness, expansion, peace and contentment flow in abudance) through which immense creativity , spiritual progress can be acheived.
So hope everyone has understood this reality of the raja yoga do share with friends and families
Also comment below about this article was it engaging or not have you learned any new stuff or had already known about it.
Let me see you in next article bye for now.
Learn and stay healthy.
1. What is the main purpose of Raja Yoga?
Ans: According to Raja yoga, each person in this world has unlimited potential, and through profound and scientific techniques, one can easily tap into this infinite potential
2. What does Raja Yoga consist of?
Ans: Actually the level of control over ones action is what its all about and how one can easily sublimate tamas to rajas and then channel the rajas to sattva(a state of mind in which joyousness, expansion, peace and contentment flow in abudance) through which immense creativity , spiritual progress can be acheived.
3. What are the dangers of yoga?
Ans: If not properly performed could lead to internal injury in our body
4. What are the 8 stages of Raja Yoga?
Ans: There are eight basic structures the first 5
steps are called "external" (Bahirmukhi), or in simple words psycho-physical body. The last three steps are "internal" or antarmukhi or more mental in nature.
5. What is the final stage of Raja yoga?
Ans: Samadhi So its a state where one rises above his/her limited consciousness and are led to transcendental state of super consciousness.