Moorcha Pranayama | right way to do Moorcha Pranayama


    So hello everyone this is your sachin from the soarthrough yoga , today iam going to discuss all the method and way to practice and do the moorcha pranayama.

    The exact meaning of the moorcha pranayama is also called as faint pranayama .

    But don’t worry no one will faint while doing this pranayama but will be experiencing the faint or kind or dizziness which will be more apt.


    Moorcha Pranayama

    Well this asana is something which will help the people so much to relieve the stress in this our day to day haphazard lives . The moorcha pranayama is very simple to do  yet very effective one .

    So let us begin this , directly without any time wasting

    Initially  and basically out of 8 different kumbhakas the moorcha pranayama is classified into following three types that are listed below

    1.         1. The simple moorcha Pranayama

    2.         2. The Kumbakha moorcha pranayama

    3.         3. The jalandar band method of moorcha pranayama


    1.       The simple moorcha Pranayama

    So this method of the pranayama is quite simple one one can do this easily the real way to do this is discussed as follows.

    ·         The first step is to sit in any of the postures such as the padmasana, sukhasana or siddhasana or even the vajrasana.

    ·         Second step is to simply breathe in via both nostrils

    ·         Last step is to breathe out via mouth

    Another variation in this method is that one can do this via

    ·         Sit in any comfortable position spine straight.

    ·         Then breathe in

    ·         After this hold your breath , lift your head up like watching towards the sky but hold the breath and open your mouth but hold the breath.

    ·         At the same time close the eyes focus on the middle portion  of your eyebrows .

    ·         Then bring your head focus like in the sense downfards like front facing.

    ·         While moving downwards , start closing the mouth, then at the same time breathe out and let eyes  still remain closed .


    image source:

    2.       The Kumbakha moorcha pranayama

      In this method of the moorcha asana which is very nice one to relax ourselves follow these steps

    ·         The first step is to sit in any of the postures such as the padmasana, sukhasana or siddhasana or even the vajrasana.

    ·         Second step is to simply breathe in with kumbhaka

    ·         Third step is to hold your breath  as long as you can

    ·         Last step is to breathe out .


    Kumbhaka meaning: Hold the breath or simply breath hold


    1.       The jalandar band method of moorcha pranayama

      In this method of the moorcha asana which is mostly practiced only after a successive practice f the above two are obtained which is of the advance level here faintness can be extremely observed which can help one to reach unconscious state where one can relax and experience the self .

    Well guys those were not my lines it was  told by many yogis, yoga journals, blogs, and I haven’t experienced such unconsciousness myself but, yeah I can guarantee you the dizziness experience when you will try to do this one.

    jalandhar  bandh 

     follow these steps

    ·         The first step is to sit in any of the postures such as the padmasana, sukhasana or siddhasana or even the vajrasana.

    ·         Second step is to simply breathe in and come into jalandhar  bandh posture

    ·         Third step is to hold your breath  as long as you can as much as you can or until you feel dizziness

    ·         Last step is to breathe out . after your face or head comes back to normal or front view at this movement or while coming away from the chest breathe out.


    Jalandhar bandha- Simply called as chin lock, simply bring your face, chin towards the chest and lock or at the bottom part of the neck



    ·         Awesome calmness

    ·         Also a proper focusing is enhanced with a regular practice.

    ·         Helps one to think better and do things in a better way

    How many times should one do

    Not more than 5 rounds as it involves dizziness and beginners should avoid this but  method  one and two can be done.


    Conclusion :

    So guys how a was this article do mention it in the comment portion as lots of research was done to make and compile this in one short form .

    Do share among your friends and others to spread the knowledge and know how on pranayama .


    Sachin Shukla

    Hey im sachin, a b.e grad also an artist , yoga practitioner, who likes fitness; Also enthusiastic about nature.... So yeah via soarthrough blog i will share how to correctly practice yoga,and fitness tips and my other blog also you can checkout And I'm always eager for your suggestions and comments Do support thanks in advance!!!!

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