Ustra Asana | Camel posture | right way to do Ustra asan |Learn yoga
Hello there everyone this article I will discuss
on ustra asana the way we can do it and also improve lungs strength, also
increase knee strength of our body and also improve our lung capacity. So learn
this yoga method and stay healthy everyday.
Ustra asana which is also called as called as camel pose. Yes this yoga asana will help you in increasing the flexibility in your body well this asana is very helpful in thyroid related problems.
So yeah let us begin the process
Before going into this first you have to do some stretching regarding this asanas as its an intermediate pose.
Warm up stretches
So yeah first you can do these stretches such as the list given below
Ø Paschimuttan asan
Ø Matseya asan
Ø Vajrasana
ustra asan warm up |
After doing this postures you can easily see that the body has been prepared for this intermediate asan
Which is the ustra asan.
Way to do it:
Ø First you got to be in vajrasan
Ø Second you have to lift up your legs along with upper body such as kneeling down as if your full body is supported on your knees , heel
Ø Now be straight in this position.
Ø Then bring your both hands upright likely backwards near the back like an arch and touch your both hands towards the heel .
Ø At the same time do the half bend.
Ø Do not forget to breathe normally.
Ustra asan |
The main benefit of this asana are listed below
1. It increases the spinal cord flexibility also opens up the chest zone of ours.
2. Ustra asana is very helpful in increasing the blood flow towards the brain.
3. It also helps in increasing the strength of the knee calves.
4. The stomach, abdomen portion is also stretched which inturn helps the persons who are suffering from the digestion related problems.
5. This asana helps the persons very much who want to go advance level or do the advance level yoga asanas.
Ø People suffering from the migranes need to avoid this asanas.
Ø Also the people who are or having knee related problem, throat injury, or fever must avoid this asanas.
Ø Before performing this asanas do always take an advice, from ayoga practitioner or first ask your doctor before performing such exercise if anyone has a health compilations.
Pro Tip:
If you feel that while doing the ustra asan you feel the pain in your knees do keep a pillow as a base below your knees. Or even a soft cloth to reduce the friction between floor and the knee.
If you feel that you cannot do the backward bend and touch the heels then simply hold your hips via both the hands on each side and do the half bend backside.
Conclusion :
So guys how was this article do mention it in the
comment portion, Ustra asana is very helpful to
and also a flexibility cum strength provider asana.
Do share among your friends and others to spread
the knowledge and Do , Learn yoga more interesting and elaborated topics are on
the way so yeah Also be healthy and
learn yoga