Yoga for gaining weight| How to increase weight with yoga

 Yoga Poses to increase weight |How to increase weight with yoga


    Hello guys this article is all about the Yoga for gaining weight| How to increase weight with yoga that will help one individual to gain the weight and increase their metabolic activity.

    So yeah let us start via this one well , everyday people work in an haphazard manner and they all try to do their work indoors more and more sitting infront of the screens say it the I.T and aalso all the other industries .

    This leads one to develop more and more fat which we have to actually utilise inorder to be healthy and due to this many of us join the gym and start working out to stay fit.

    Its great infact it also helps the individuals to build up the stamina. So let me get it straight to you, some people join fitness for reducing the weight but what about the people who want to gain their weight via yoga.

    So here are some effective yoga poses to increase the weight of an individual if he/she does these yoga poses regularly.

    The first one will be the shava asana the sleeping pose or the dead pose yeah its effective and also quite simple when one does this.   Just lie down and relax at the end or at the starting of any sleeping posture asana.

    Another great asana is the matsya asan this is one of the effective postures to gain the weight and also it properly enables the digestive system, cardiovascular systems function smoothly.

    Read : How to do Matsyaasan and its variations too.


    chakrasan by sachin

     Way to do it Chakrasan

           1. This chakrasana can be done in two ways

           2. The first way is to lie down In  shavasan.

           3. Then pop up your body, with the support of your hands both hands, legs. And raise your hip above the ground.

           4. The another method to do this pose is just simply stand.

           5. Bend your body backwards, and support your body with respect to your both the hands keeping the hips in bow upright pointing like position.

           6. Then do normal breathing, while in inverted position.

           7. After this, if you are doing via the first method simply lower your body and focus on your normal breathing .

           8. And come back in  shavasan.

           9. If you are doing the chakrasana via the second method, then hold your breath and come back  to position straight one, then do the padha hastasan.


    Another  one of the yoga poses and its benefits for asthma Sarvangasana  means “all the body (in total) posture” It helps in mainly  reducing the respiratory Problems such as Asthama attack. If one does it on the regular basis the person can get benefit from it. Let us see how to do it with respective precautions





    Way to do it: sarvangasan

    • First get into savasana this means simply lie down.

    • Next, raise or lift your legs, with the help of your abdomen power then raise them till they are straight enough in a 90 degree

    • Next note that bring your both your hands as a support behind your back then again don’t lose focus and look towards your toes and maintain them in straight way.

    • Also try breathing slowly be few seconds in this position about 15 seconds  and come back and relax in savasana

     Vajrasana forward bend

    This asana is another simple asana that anyone  can do for relaxing and calming the mind and increase concentration.

    This yoga asana also promises if done on a regular basis a good digestion tract functions, reduces the constipation also helps in increasing the metabolism if practiced regularly.



    Cobra pose- Bhujangaasan




    Way to do it:Bhujangaasan

    • Hey there keep your hand and feet as of before where they were ,then inhale and rise up.

    • Bring your hip down, let toes relax so stretch them and look upward.

    • Remember don’t stretch your hands too straight they are to be slightly bent as they are to provide support and to be strained

    Yeah so not only doing this yoga poses will help you out but after doing this yoga poses which will increase the strength one has to follow a proper diet by eating or undertaking real natural nutrients and not the artificial ones.

    Do consult the pediatricians, nutritionists, or doctor , yoga instructor before practicing these yoga poses.

    Conclusion :

    So guys how was this article do mention it in the comment portion, these asanas are very helpful to increase  flexibility cum helps you to increase the weight . But if you get not practicing regularly it may become an difficult posture  so keep practicing.

    Do share among your friends and others to spread the knowledge and do Learn yoga more interesting and elaborated topics are on the way so yeah  Also be healthy and learn yoga.


    Sachin Shukla

    Hey im sachin, a b.e grad also an artist , yoga practitioner, who likes fitness; Also enthusiastic about nature.... So yeah via soarthrough blog i will share how to correctly practice yoga,and fitness tips and my other blog also you can checkout And I'm always eager for your suggestions and comments Do support thanks in advance!!!!

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